Torre de la Magistral Catedral de Alcalá de Henares |
La historia de esta construcción comienza desde el siglo IV. Época en la que se persiguió a los cristianos, en este lugar se ajusticio a los cristianos complutenses.
En el siglo V, época visigoda, se sabe que había una capilla que albergaba los restos de los mártires (Justo y Pastor). En el siglo VIII, dominación árabe, los restos del los ajusticiados fueron trasladados a un valle de Huesca y no regresan a Alcalá hasta el S. XVI.
En los años 1500, se construye la iglesia gótica, siendo la única en la Comunidad de Madrid.
Cardenal Cisneros consiguió para la Iglesia de los Santos Niños el
título de “Magistral” en 1519.
Desde hace unos años, 1991, el templo comparte este título con el de “Catedral”, al ser la sede del Obispo diocesano.
Desde hace unos años, 1991, el templo comparte este título con el de “Catedral”, al ser la sede del Obispo diocesano.
La torre fue construida en 1527, finalizada en el siglo XVII, es rematada por un chapitel de influencia flamenca.
La altura de la torre es de 62,05 m, la dimensiones de su planta son 12x12m, su fachada es de piedra.
Desde esta torre en la guerra civil, se instalan ametralladoras.
El 21 de julio de 1936, sufre incendio el templo y posteriormente saqueo, hasta 1947 no comienza a reconstruirse, abriéndose al público en 1975.
En 1991 al ser Alcalá diócesis comienza su reforma definitiva concluyendo en 20 de febrero de 1999.
En la actualidad, se hacen visitas a la torre para poder presenciar la ciudad desde sus alturas. En ella crían varias parejas de cigüeñas.
The history of this construction starts from the fourth century. Time when Christians were persecuted, in this place he executed them at the Complutense Christians.
In the V century Visigoth period, it is known that there was a chapel housing the remains of the martyrs (Justo and Pastor). In the eighth century, Arab domination, the remains of the executed were transferred to a valley of Huesca and do not return to Alcalá until S. XVI.
In the 1500s, the Gothic church is built, the only in the Community of Madrid.
Cardinal Cisneros got to the Church of the Holy Child the title of "Master" in 1519.
For years, 1991, the temple shares this title with that of "Cathedral", being the seat of the diocesan bishop.
The tower was built in 1527, completed in the seventeenth century, is topped by a spire Flemish influence.
The height of the tower is 62.05 m, the size of the plant are 12x12mm, its facade is made of stone.
From this tower in the civil war, guns are installed.
On July 21, 1936, suffers fire temple and then plunder, until 1947 does not begin to rebuild, opened to the public in 1975.
In 1991 when Alcalá diocese reform begins its final concluding February 20, 1999.
Currently, visits are made to the tower to witness the city from its heights. It raised several pairs of storks.
The history of this construction starts from the fourth century. Time when Christians were persecuted, in this place he executed them at the Complutense Christians.
In the V century Visigoth period, it is known that there was a chapel housing the remains of the martyrs (Justo and Pastor). In the eighth century, Arab domination, the remains of the executed were transferred to a valley of Huesca and do not return to Alcalá until S. XVI.
In the 1500s, the Gothic church is built, the only in the Community of Madrid.
Cardinal Cisneros got to the Church of the Holy Child the title of "Master" in 1519.
For years, 1991, the temple shares this title with that of "Cathedral", being the seat of the diocesan bishop.
The tower was built in 1527, completed in the seventeenth century, is topped by a spire Flemish influence.
The height of the tower is 62.05 m, the size of the plant are 12x12mm, its facade is made of stone.
From this tower in the civil war, guns are installed.
On July 21, 1936, suffers fire temple and then plunder, until 1947 does not begin to rebuild, opened to the public in 1975.
In 1991 when Alcalá diocese reform begins its final concluding February 20, 1999.
Currently, visits are made to the tower to witness the city from its heights. It raised several pairs of storks.